Training for BYOB at the HMBIM
Jun 19, 2012
I know, last post I promised to talk about building a training plan. But really, how fun is that? Besides I have a feeling most of the runners, especially those that are signed up for the HMBIM marathon, have already locked down their training plans and are hitting ALL their workouts to the exact mile and pace {wink wink}.
Instead I’ve decided to address something near and dear to the heart of the HMBIM, one of our Green Initiatives: BYOB. To start BYOB = Bring Your Own Bottle. Typically BYOB efforts are reserved for races with extreme conditions, vast distances between aid stations, or ultramarathons. The HMBIM is none of those, unless you’d like to run some bonus miles after your marathon finish (I’m kidding of course). However, our BYOB effort is one of many green programs we’ve implemented to better our environment as shown by our Gold Certification through the Council for Responsible Sport. We LOVE working with Recology but hey, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
To avoid any confusion before I continue on, those that simply cannot break the habit (you know who you are), we will offer cups at the aid station. Alas, you don’t need to drink from a volunteer’s pitcher or limit yourself to hidden water fountains sprinkled throughout the course.
So, back to training for a BYOB effort! First of all, everyone is at a fabulous point in their training. I suspect that most of you are already using some sort of hydration system - that puts you ahead of the game. For those that aren’t it’s a great time to experiment with the many options available. Your best starting point is your local running store. Your options are essentially bottles or hydration packs. The hydration pack is overkill for the HMBIM so I’d recommend focusing on bottles. Bottle options come down to how you’d like to carry them (hand or belt) and their size. My personal preference is a 20oz handheld - it’s not too heavy, carries a sufficient amount of fluids for most aid station gaps (especially the HMBIM), and can be re-filled quickly. Most importantly, find a system that works for you!
Here are some tips to transition into a hydration system:
- Do a test run around the store before purchasing one. You may feel goofy but I’ve bought at least 2-3 different water bottle belt systems that I thought would work only to discover during my first run they felt awful. Now they’re sitting in my pile-o-running stuff in the closet, useless.
- Beware of running a race with water bottle options that are comprised of numerous really small (8oz) bottles unless you’re okay with staying at an aid station for more than 1 minute to re-fill them. It’s really time consuming filling and capping 4-6 of those little things!
- There may be an adjustment period to holding something while you’re running - especially if it weighs 1-2 lbs. I recommend first running with an empty bottle to get a feel of it then gradually, over time, add more fluid until a completely filled water bottle feels natural to run with. Also remember, the hydration waist belts have a much different fit and feel when filled versus empty.
- If using the handheld option, you can modify your cross-training days to include arm exercises to specifically address the muscles engaged while running with a bottle. I’m not a personal trainer, but you should probably perform a symmetrical workout (both right and left arms). I don’t want to see a bunch of runners with huge right arms BYOB’n in September!
- Building on that, for those using a single handheld, it’s good to practice running with your bottle in alternating hands during training to provide a balanced workout.
- Incorporate your hydration bottle as a part of your running/training gear and run with it as much as possible during training! This is the most important advice I can give - simple yet effective.
Here are some BYOB tips for race day:
- Start the race with an empty bottle. Unless we experience some abnormally hot weather the race start will be like most others, a little chilly. Assuming you’re already hydrated pre-race you don’t need to start drinking immediately. In fact if you’re like me you’ll probably end up in a porto-potty because of it. You can fill it at the Maverick’s aid station (mile 1.1) or the 2nd trip through the Maverick’s aid station (mile 2.1) for the marathoners.
- There will be dedicated sections of the HMBIM aid stations for BYOB refills, typically volunteers with pitchers of both electrolyte drink or water. Bypass the “cups” area and go right to them for a quick re-fill.
- Take your bottle top off before the aid station for a quick re-fill then put it back on as you’re jogging or walking out of the aid station for a quick transition time.
- Use your additional fluid carrying capacity to bypass aid station stops. With an average distance of about 2 miles between aid stations you can skip a few! For the marathoners, you can easily skip your first pass through Maverick’s aid station on your way out to Foo rock then stop on your second pass through. You do this out-and-back 2x so that’s 2 stops eliminated right there!
Thanks to everyone for supporting our Green Efforts through our BYOB program. Your individual efforts collectively play a huge part in preserving our “Running Heaven” to share with generations to come!
If you have any follow-up training questions please comment. I’d love to assist in making your HMBIM experience as rewarding and successful as possible!
Enjoy the Run!
Franz Dill
Franz Dill is the Co-Race Director for the Half Moon Bay International Marathon, and is the co-founder of The Pure Run LLC . Franz is an accomplished ultramarathoner who completed the coveted Grand Slam of Ultrarunning in 2011 and is also a Certified Coach with the Road Runner's Club of America (RRCA).
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