The HMBIM provides many training resources to help athletes get the most out of their big day. Months before race day, HMBIM organizers sponsor training runs along portions of the course. It's a great way to see the course with experienced runners and get ready for your big day!
Run the Course!
Drawing on the local Half Moon Bay-based Coastside Running Club's detailed knowledge of the coast and the HMBIM course, we're collaborating to offer FREE course tours to allow runners maximum pre-race course exposure to optimize your race day experience. Tours will include at least two course guides in order to accommodate a "fast" and a "slow" group. Additionally, these are self-supported events so bring your own hydration and fueling needs. So for those registrants for the HMBIM that are reasonably local, take advantage of this great opportunity!
In addition to offering course experience, we hope you'll use this gathering of local runners as an opportunity to meet and form training groups outside to the course tours. Open up and share your training routine with each other. The training miles are always easier with good conversation!
Please, don't be intimidated by the total course tour distance for the day. Each day will be an "out-and-back" run allowing for runners to easily shorten the distance by turning around at the distance dictated by their training program. Prior to the run, we'll take an informal survey of those shortening the run so they can group together accordingly and allow the course guides to call out the appropriate turn around locations.
All on-the-course runs will be led by HMBIM Director of Training Ron Little.
Click on the Schedule tab for upcoming scheduled training runs. For up-to-date information or any un-planned run modifications, please check back here or subscribe to the official HMBIM Twitter Feed account or our Facebook page.
Online Resources
The Half Moon Bay International Marathon is working with our registration partner, to bring you a wide variety of online training programs. These resources have several options for all race distances including the Full Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K and 5K. Each race distance also features 3 challenge levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. Each program features stepped increases in mileage and intensity with full instructions for each workout, an online training log and other resources to help you build up to your goal and get you ready for your fantastic race day in Half Moon Bay! Check it out! (Click here to open in a new window) |
Strength Training
We're very excited to announce EQ Fitness HMB as our strength training partner for the Half Moon Bay International Marathon! All athletes who have registered for the event can receive a complimentary 8-week resistance training program, 4 bi-weekly group training sessions and complimentary access to EQ Fitness' state-of-the-art equipment and facilities for the entire month of September for you and a friend! All of this is provided at no charge to the registered athletes of the HMBIM!
Here is what EQ Fitness is offering:
- Video instruction Program: EQ Fitness has taken the time to create instructional videos exclusively for the HMBIM athlete to use and to incorporate into your running/strength training plan. Videos have been uploaded to the HMBIM YouTube page, and feature instruction by a certified professional trainer on all aspects of strength, stretching and techniques. Check out the videos below!
- 8-Week Training Program: You will receive full documentation and information for your own self-guided training to be used over an 8-week period of your choosing. This will include a comprehensive, progressive resistance training program specifically designed for endurance athletes preparing to run a distance race. This includes a two-phase program, both of which include self myofacial release, joint mobility, dynamic warm up, core, strength and flexibility components. Designed to be utilized 2-3 times per week for 45-60 minutes per session this is the perfect compliment to your running program to reduce and relieve common injuries to the knee, hip and low back while also improving performance. Click here for your self-guided strength training plan.
- Complimentary 1-month memberships: To help with that final push to your training program you will receive complimentary access to EQ Fitness HMB for the month of September. Since everything is more fun with a partner in crime you will receive a guest pass for a friend or partner so even if they aren’t quite ready to accept the challenge of joining you in your race, they can still help keep you motivated and on track with your training program!
EQ Fitness has been offering a first-class facility and entertaining programs for all ages and fitness levels for 13 years. Overlooking the beautiful Princeton Harbor, they are centrally located in Princeton-by-the-Sea on the mid-coast.
Stop by the club today to pick up your EQ Fitness HMBIM packet to support you in your quest to run your best race!
371 Princeton Avenue Princeton-by-the-Sea, CA 94019 Telephone 650.728.1031
EQ Fitness' Video Strength Training Programs for Runners

Local Running Clubs
The gorgeous coastal area that includes Half Moon Bay is referred to as the Coastside. Many members of the local Coastside Running Club are volunteers and staff involved with the Half Moon Bay International Marathon. Many sections of the course are part of regularly scheduled runs. Get in touch with the Coastside Running Club and join up with members for your own private tour!
The HMBIM has teamed up with the nonprofit, volunteer-based, SFRRC to offer runners training schedules, access to experienced coaches, and San Francisco based training groups running multiple times a week. Is SF a challenging commute? Don't worry, you can attend the workouts that best suit your individual training needs or replicate the workout closer to home. Participation simply requires becoming an SFRRC member, opening access not only to the above benefits but also SFRRC's social events and running seminars. Their runners include beginners to competitive runners and all levels in between. They openly invite potential members for a test run at 7:45 AM on any Saturday! See This Week for details.
Click here for access to information on the SFRRC Training Programs