We are a GREEN event, so PLEASE carpool for all the right reasons! Take advantage of ride sharing and meet fellow HMBIM athletes! We're the home of Tesla, and the land of Prius--come on, you know you should!
Check out:
We are very grateful to continue our community cooperation by working with the Half Moon Bay Airport for all Race day parking for athletes (and others in the same car). Parking will open at 5:30 a.m. on Race Day. There will be no access prior to 5:30 a.m. so please plan accordingly.
You MUST show your bib (or your parking pass, issued to all staff and volunteers) to be provided FREE entry into the Airport for parking--no exceptions!
If you do not show your bib at entry to parking, the parking fee will be $10.00 per car.
All athletes, staff and volunteers should park at the Airport provided location. There will be no Event Parking in the Harbor.
Please Note: All cars must leave the Airport grounds no later than 5:00 p.m. on Race Day. Any cars left behind at 5:00 p.m. will be removed from the Airport grounds at the owner's expense.
Parking Address | Address of Start/Finish | |
Half Moon Bay Airport | HMBIM Start/Finish Line | |
9850 Cabrillo Hwy | 371 Princeton Road | |
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 | Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 |
Entrance will be off of Capistrano Road as per the parking map.
Accessible parking/dropoff:
All parking must be at the location at the HMB Airport, however there is an accessible location for dropoff near the event. The location is on Harvard Ave as shown on the map below.
Click on the icons in the map for more information.